(I read uncommonly fast. I do have friends and a life. Sometimes)
Here's my take on the aforementioned completed three:
Savor the Moment By Nora Roberts
This the third book in her Bride Quartet series about four childhood friends running their wedding planner business. It was good. Not amazing but good. Nora's books seem to be getting a bit formulaic recently and this book follows a familiar pattern. Girl pines for best friends older brother. It's been done before. However, Robert's smart, witty voice still shines through making a dull plot snappy and realistic. And the sex scene are pretty intensive... it's all hand holding and tender. No big drama's in this one. Just childhood friendship growing in to something more. A very down to earth representation of how a relationship forms and becomes something more.
I have been a loyal (seriously loyal) Nora Robert's fan since 7th grade. She was my intro into the romance genre and I have read every book she has ever published. But as I mentioned before, her newer books seem like rewrites of her old classics. Especially the trilogies.
Let's hope her next book couple books, The Search and Happily Ever After (final book in the Bride Quartet), measure up to my never ending love.
A Lady's Guide to Improper Behavior by Suzanne Enoch
Gooood Book. Like really good book. Made me all shivery and tingly. I love it when boys are all wounded and self conscious. And that's just what the hero of this book is like. Unspeakable shit goes down in the wilds of India, leaving our hero as the only surviver of an attack on his regiment. He returns home with a bum leg and buckets of guilt. Enter our heroine, the sole survivor of her own nightmare and destined to wipe away the bitterness in our heroes sole. Extremely good chemistry between the leads. Up against the wall sex and a lot of possessive posturing. Loved every bit of it, and will probably be rereading in the near future. Definite buy & keep!
Nothing But Trouble By Rachel Gibson
In my opinion Rachel Gibson hasn't written anything as magical as her second book Truly Madly Yours,. I've read that book at least 40 times and each time the love story hits me in the gut and makes me lonely for a love story of my own. Every time she releases a new novel, I give it try hoping it will inspire my emotions the way Truly did. Every time I'm let down. This book especially, was a dismal follow up to my favorite. The hero is another one of those injured tortured types, but the sports world setting, cheapens his pain. The heroines vapid interest in her larger then life bust sizes is annoying. Don't buy. So not worth it.
Now looking forward to the upcoming May releases and reading my other two purchases, One Enchanted Evening by Lynn Kurland and Wicked Becomes You by Meredith Duran. I'll keep you posted.
Lady Danbury