Why? Why create a blog? Why make it about books?
Because reading is my life. Seriously. It is actually quite sad. I have over 2000 books in my room. 2000. I can honestly say I have read every single one. Some more than once. And the other day I was in Chapters (Canada's version of Borders for the Americans), and this older lady was trying(being the operative word) to get some help in the romance section. The ignorant (aka male) employee had NO CLUE. As this was driving me mental, I couldn't help but interfere. What authors should she try if she likes Lisa Kleypas? Why Loretta Chase of course! Julia Quinn! Eloisa James! And has she tried the romanticy goodness that is Nora Roberts?! Needless to say she walked out of the store with 15 novels. For her, it was a hundred plus dollar bill that she would have to explain to her husband. For me, it was a call to arms! I must impart my literary knowledge! For the greater good of romance novel readers everywhere!
And at that, I realized there are two ways to do this; get a job at Chapters, or begin a career in publishing or editing. Unfortunately both options are quite out of reach, due to my obligations to our family run company, so as a last resort Lady Danbury was born. The least time consuming option (or so I thought, before spending a couple hours designing this page).
So now I can bore only those who seek my advice/overbearing opinions on books (primarily those that are romantic in nature). I hope you enjoy. Happy reading.
Lady Danbury